

Obama is again showing his absolute ignorance and astounding stupidity in the field of foreign affairs and national security by indicating we would not use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states that attack us with chemical or biological weapons. He seems to be giving our enemies a green light to attack and expect little but conventional response for such an attack, for we long ago destroyed our chemical and biological weapons. Eventually, this guy will have us shooting spitballs at those who may kill tens of thousands in the name of Allah. Its becoming quite obvious to this observer that we cannot afford to wait until 2012 to reign in this nut job. Some way must be found to stop this "son-of-a-Kenyan" before our nation is destroyed. He seems to be set on a course of deliberate destruction of the United States in one way or another. Many thought before his election that he and Michelle hated this nation and now those fears are being proven correct with each move this Marxist takes. Those in the Kremlin need to set back and watch this fool, they could learn a lot about how to destroy America. Their dream of a defeated America is coming true and they need not lift a finger.

Obama to Limit Potential Uses of Nuclear Weapons

The United States will pledge not to use nuclear weapons against most non-nuclear countries -- no matter what they use against us -- but will keep "all options" on the table for nations like North Korea and Iran, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Tuesday.

President Obama speaks about energy security March 31 at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. (AP Photo)
The United States will pledge not to use nuclear weapons against most non-nuclear countries -- no matter what they use against us -- but will keep "all options" on the table for nations like North Korea and Iran, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Tuesday.

The declaration came out of the Obama administration's revised nuclear policy, under which the United States is committing not to develop or test any new nuclear weapons. The document is aimed at leading the world in reducing nuclear stockpiles, though some are concerned the country could put itself in danger if others don't follow.

Gates said Tuesday the administration reserves the right to make "adjustments" to the policy and that the document doesn't quite declare that the United States will never be the first to use a nuclear weapon.

But for countries that don't have nuclear capabilities that are following the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Gates said they need not fear the United States' still-vast nuclear stockpile.
"The United States pledges not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against (those countries)," Gates said -- even in the case of a biological or chemical attack.

However, Gates said any country so bold as to launch such an attack on the United States "would face the prospect of a devastating conventional military response."

And he said nuclear treaty violators like Iran and North Korea would be exempt from that policy.

"All options are on the table when it comes to countries in that category," he said.

Obama released a written statement Tuesday calling the document a "significant step forward."

Obama, in an interview with The New York Times, said the United States is trying to lead by example in efforts to reduce the proliferation of nuclear weapons and eventually make them obsolete.

Fresh off the announcement of an agreement with Russia to reduce nuclear arms stockpiles, he said threats could be dealt with by "a series of graded options."

"I'm going to preserve all the tools that are necessary in order to make sure that the people are safe and secure," Obama told the Times.

The Obama administration plans to urge Russia to return to the bargaining table following Senate ratification of the new START arms reduction treaty, to be signed by Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Prague on Thursday.

Gordon Chang, author of "Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes on the World," called the policy announced Tuesday a "dramatic departure" and said it will work only if other nuclear states follow the U.S. lead.

"We could end up in sort of a ... situation of strategic inferiority, because everyone else is improving and we're not doing anything," he said. Full article at FOX News

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