
The Un-Patriotic Americans - Traitors

Who are those that would trample the Constitution in the name of social justice? Who are those that would tear down the borders of this nation in the name of multiculturalism? Who are those that would destroy American nationalism and replace it with a new world order? Who are those that turn a blind eye to the real enemies of America while pointing to the traditional American patriot as the enemy? Who are these people? They are those in the American Progressive movement. These liberals (progressives) have now found a home in the national Democratic party and in fact, have taken over that organization. And our new president now leads this un-patriotic band of traitors who are hell-bent on destroying the America of our fathers.

The list of crimes of these un-patriotic Americans is long and growing at an alarming rate, but at the same time many are beginning to see the ungodly goals of this bunch of traitors. And now the flames of the Revolution are being rekindled in today's patriot and the days of these American traitors are numbered. And unlike Benedict Arnold, these new traitors will meet justice in the end at the hands of the very Patriots they seek to destroy.

If the language in this piece seems strong it because the feelings run deep. This writer no longer sees the opposition party in America as the patriots they sometimes claim to be. They are viewed as those who are seeking to undermine the very principals laid down in the Constitution and at the same time destroy America's position in the world. They are viewed as those forces who would in the end destroy the economic system that has served us well and given us one of the highest standards of living in the world and replace it with a system that has failed in every part of the world where it has been tried. These progressives would replace American individualism with a new collectivism that would destroy the very fabric of American society. These people will not and cannot be allowed to succeed and they should be called what they are---Traitors!
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