
Saying "No" to Big Government is Saying "Yes" to America!

Democrats for sometime have been trying to label the republicans in congress as the party of "no". Republicans need to wrap themselves in that flag and wear the label proudly. Recently at the CPAC meeting in Washington, Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana echoed this sentiment when he said, "No is way underrated here in Washington. Sometimes 'no' is just what this town needs to hear". I couldn't put it better! Most Americans think that our representatives in Washington are there just to make more laws---laws that will invariably take rights or money from one group and give it to another. When you stop to think about it, this is what most laws do. Restrictions on some so that others will feel better. Money from one group to be spent benefiting another. I ask, it this the American way? Is this what we've come too? Is this corrupt practice to continue?

The simple truth is saying "NO" to borrowing, saying "NO" to spending, saying "NO" to bailouts, and saying "NO" to Obamacare is saying
"YES" to America!
"Some people around here like to call us the party of ‘no.’ Well, I say ‘no’ is way underrated here in Washington, D.C. Sometimes ‘no’ is just what this town needs to hear," he said.

"When it comes to more borrowing, the answer’s ‘no.’ When it comes to more spending, the answer is ‘no.’ When it comes to more bailouts, the answer is ‘no.’ And when it comes to some healthcare summit that is nothing more than a photo op that paves the way to Obamacare, the answer is ‘no,’ " he said.

But, Pence said, it’s not enough to elect Republicans in November; they have to be conservative Republicans.

"To turn this country around, we don’t just need a Republican majority; we need a conservative majority on Capitol Hill," he said. read story at Journal Gazette
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