
Black Rights or Black Privilege

The Alabama Black Caucus, obviously a racist group judging by their name is calling for Obama's Secretary of Education to cancel an appearance at a Confederate named school, Robert E. Lee High School. The reason given is that the schools principal and the school itself publicly opposed M L King's Selma march in 1965. Damn the that principal must be an old, old man by now for unless my math is wrong that was 45 years ago. As best as I can remember many member of the National Democratic Party also opposed that march, so just maybe the Black Caucus should protest any future meeting of that organization.

I remember those days vividly and the efforts of King to gain some type of equality for his people. I don't recall him ever calling for special treatment for his black brothers. I don't recall him ever saying that schools, streets, counties, and even some cities bearing the names of former Confederates be changed. I don't recall him ever saying that playing Dixie at a Friday night football game offended him---hell even President Lincoln requested that tune be played on the occasion of Lee's surrender. The Black Caucus is not about Robert E. Lee High, its about black power and black privilege and certainly not black rights for they already have them.

Alabama Black Caucus Wants Education Secretary to Cancel Appearance at Confederate Named School

Alabama's Legislative Black Caucus on Saturday called on U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan to cancel a planned appearance at Robert E. Lee High School in Montgomery.

State Rep. Alvin Holmes said the school and its principal publicly opposed the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Selma-Montgomery march in 1965. Holmes said it was "insulting" to King and civil rights protesters that President Barack Obama's top education aide was scheduled to appear at the school Monday. read story at FOX News
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