
Obama Facing A Political Earthquake

The Democrats and Obama are facing what could turn out to be a political earthquake this next Tuesday as voter go to the polls in VA, PA and NY. The outcome of these three elections could very well mean an end to much of Obama's planned agenda such as Obamacare, card check and cap and trade. Although the demos have a large majorities in both the House and Senate those moderates in the Democratic Party could be swayed by the outcome of these three elections and might run for cover knowing they are up for re-election in 2010. There is some history of this in that the last time the VA and PA governorships were won by the Republicans was in 1993 shortly before the Gingrich revolution in 1994. History at times does repeat itself. We should all watch the returns Tuesday night and do whatever we can before then to help the two republican candidates in VA and PA and the independent candidate in upstate New York .

President Obama, Prepare for a Political Earthquake

The elections on November 3 are shaping up to be a real Paul Revere moment across America.

The latest Rasmussen poll shows Chris Christie, the Republican nominee for Governor in New Jersey, beating the incumbent Democrat John Corzine by 4 points, even with a third party conservative in the race drawing over 10 percent of the vote.

In Virginia, Republican gubernatorial nominee Bob McDonnell is so far ahead of his Democratic rival Creigh Deeds that Democrats have already begun to argue on the front page of The Washington Post who is at fault for blowing that race. Overlooked in all coverage of the race for governor is that conservative Ken Cuccinelli, long a stalwart leader for both taxpayers and social conservatives in Virginia, is heading for an even bigger win for Attorney General. With the Virginia governor constitutionally limited to one term in the state, and the Attorney General’s office an historic launching pad for gubernatorial runs, the developing Cuccinelli landslide has more immediate political significance than it would in other states.

In a three-way special congressional election in the 23rd District in New York, a poll on Tuesday showed the Conservative Party nominee Doug Hoffman beating both the Democratic Party candidate and the liberal Republican in that race, with a 5 point lead, up from a four point lead in poll released on Monday.

Ballot initiatives in two liberal states this November will also have national implications. Liberal Maine is considering a measure that would adopt Colorado’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) for that state. The measure would limit state spending growth to the rate of population growth plus inflation. Tax revenues growing faster than that would be rebated back to taxpayers. State officials could seek a referendum to increase taxes beyond the limit if that was thought necessary.
Last fall, Barack Obama beat John McCain in a 17 point landslide in Maine. But a recent poll showed the TABOR tax limit winning by a 14 point margin. The same TABOR tax limit will also be on the ballot in November in liberal Washington state, where Obama also won a 17 point landslide last fall. The latest poll there showed TABOR winning by a 30 point margin, 61% to 31%.

If all these trends hold true on Election Day, the result will be a political earthquake dramatically upsetting the balance of power in Washington. -- If that happens, here's what will come next: Expect moderate Democrats in Congress to bolt off the reservation, running from the ultra-liberal Obama agenda on taxes, the budget, cap-and-trade, card check, even the health care overhaul scheme. Then, Obama’s domination over Congress will crumble and alternative conservative ideas will gain momentum.

What's even more significant about Tuesday's elections is that stage will have been set for an even bigger political earthquake in 2010. Republicans will be in much better shape to recruit good candidates and raise more money. Further adverse results for President Obama’s foreign and domestic policies could produce an even bigger Republican landslide than in 1994.

Conservatives, tea party activists, taxpayers, small businessmen and others need to pay attention to the growing importance of next week’s elections. I urge everyone to get out to vote in these races. Get your like minded friends, relatives and neighbors out to vote as well. Volunteer to help. Maybe you can even provide last minute campaign contributions. Maybe you can engage in fundraising or organize additional volunteers.

This is a real Paul Revere moment. As Brutus said in Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar": "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries."

by Peter Ferrara


It's Halloweeen!
But guess what!
He'll still be here tomorrow!
Image from The Right Look


Obama at Dover Air Force Base: Empathy or Political Ploy?

I'll let you make this call. I can't say what Obama's motive was for his recent trip to Dover Air Force Base to witness the return of fallen American soldiers coming home from Afghanistan. I can only hope that his motives were pure and not part of some dark ploy leading up to the decision to send more troops to Afghanistan. For years the left has used Dover and the returning bodies of U.S. servicemen as a weapon in the debates surrounding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. One can only hope that this is not the case now. It is good that the commander-in-chief made the trip to Dover, but if his motives were less than honorable and driven by some dark political agenda well that is disgusting. The truth here is that we will never know the truth, so I must take things on there face value even though I have lingering doubts about this man. I hope the "Dover Football" is not in play again!
As his decision on Afghanistan war strategy nears, President Obama made a surprise trip to Dover Air Force Base Wednesday night into Thursday morning to attend the dignified transfer movement of 18 U.S. personnel who were killed in Afghanistan on Monday.

The dignified transfer is a solemn movement that is conducted for every US military member that dies while in service in a theater of war.

The 18 killed included service members and Drug Enforcement Agency agents.

The traveling press corps that accompanied the President to Dover was permitted to witness one of the transfers, per the wishes of the families.

The President stood at attention with the six –person carry team near the ramp of the C-17 which carried the flag draped transfer case which held the body of Sgt. Dale R. Griffin of Terre Haute, Indiana. As the carry team brought the case down the ramp, the President and the official party saluted.

Sgt. Griffin’s family members were also present.

The President was accompanied by Attorney General Eric Holder, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz, DEA Acting Administrator Michele Leonhart, U.S. Army Assistant Judge Advocate Maj Gen Daniel Wright, U.S. Army Special Forces Commander Brig. Gen. Michael Repass, and Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations Center Col. Robert Edmondson, who will served as the Dignified Transfer Host Officer.

Fifty-five Americans have died in Afghanistan this month, making it the deadliest month of the war since it began eight years ago. Two hundred and seventy-seven Ameriacns have died this year, forty-three percent more than last year. News story from FOX News


Eco-Nuts Out to Destroy Life As We Know It.

It isn't even Halloween yet and the weirdo's are out in force calling for an end to many things most feel are a part of modern life. They would roll back the clock to 1900 and do away with the car, the modern light bulb, the big screen TV(and later TV altogether), the plastic bag(which just a few years ago they favored to save the forest from being destroyed by using paper bags), the beloved family dog and cat, and yes even the steak you eat. These eco-nuts see humans as the greatest threat to the planet they pretend to love and if the truth was know they would do away with mankind to save the planet for whatever groups of animals they consider to be eco-friends. That of course would leave out all large animals such as Rhinos(not a bad idea, but I would change the spelling), horses, cows, camels, pigs, donkeys,etc. The list would go on and on and eventually include the large fish in the ocean. These people are of course the lunatic fringe, sadly however many on the left have adopted some of these seemingly crazy ideas. Efforts are already underway in CA to ban big screen TV's, the traditional light bulb is in the process of being replaced by a mercury filled bulb, plastic bags are out-lawed in many areas, some schools now have meat free days, governments already limit family size in some countries, and these are but the first steps to drastically change our lives to conform to what eco-nuts believe is a life style necessary to save the planet from global warming and rising sea levels. Maybe, just maybe if they would stop and think about their goal of saving the planet they would just let us continue down the fatal path they think we are on and this in the end would save the planet when we all drown in the rising waters of the great oceans.
While Al Qaeda and eco-nuts use different tactics, they share a similar enemy: civilization.

Around the globe on Saturday environmental protesters tried “a synchronized burst of more than 4,300 demonstrations, from the Himalayas to the Great Barrier Reef,” according to The New York Times.

The sweeping October 24 protest was to bully developed nations like the United States into a climate change agreement when they meet in Copenhagen this December.

The 350.org protesters, who want to drop CO2 in the atmosphere to that level, were especially critical of the United States:

“You have destroyed nature with your industrial waste and gases more than any other nation in history. Despite this, you refuse to sign the Kyoto agreement so that you can secure the profit of your greedy companies and industries.”

Oops, that’s wasn’t the eco-nuts, that’s a direct quote from Usama bin Laden in 2002. --While Al Qaeda and eco-nuts use different tactics, they share a similar enemy: civilization.

At least Al Qaeda is clear about what it wants -- an end to Western civilization and establishment of global Shariah law -- the Islamic version of cave men times with better architecture.

The eco-nuts have a patchwork of things they hate and want banned or destroyed. The week of the 350 protests, The Times wrote glowingly about the Swedes are now including carbon footprint labeling on all food. The Times’ Elisabeth Rosenthal was quick to point out “changing one’s diet can be as effective in reducing emissions of climate-changing gases as changing the car one drives or doing away with the clothes dryer, scientific experts say.” I love it when people who have a huge subway system at their disposal bemoan the automobile.

The new labeling guidelines were a predictable attempt to manipulate what people eat. “[T]hey are advised to substitute beans or chicken for red meat,” the October 22 article proclaimed. The left hasn’t bestowed human rights on beans…yet.

Two days later, London’s Daily Express complained that Fido was a global threat as well. “A medium-sized dog has the same carbon impact as a Toyota Land Cruiser driven 6,000 miles a year, a new book claims,” wrote the paper. It went on to blast pets -- from cats to hamsters -- because they use energy. Now I guess lefties can blame previous warming cycles on buffalo (or their SUVs). read more from FOX

Green Energy Cost to Much

Yesterday our Green President visited town in FL containing the largest photvoltaic center in the country. The DeSoto Energy center built at a cost of $150 million dollars would provide power to some 3000 homes. For those of you who are not too good with math that's comes out to a cost of $50,000 per home. Or to put it another way figuring a annual cost of $2,000 per home per year it would take 25 years to pay for it. This does NOT figure in the yearly cost of maintenance and general operating cost. This plant in NOT a benefit to the home owners in the area, but only a benefit to those special interest who constructed the plant and those companies such as GE and other Obama supporters whose companies manufacture items needed in the future construction of such plants. Consumers can only afford the electricity provided by such plants if the government subsidizes that cost. This would mean that all tax-payers would bear the cost of such projects even though they do not use the green power. Green power only means one thing more green out of your pocket to pay for these pie-in-the-sky projects. A fool can see the folly of this, but those special interest who have the ear of "Mr Green" have this country headed down the road to economic destruction while they line their pockets with tax-payers money. It's no longer the greed of wall street we need to worry about, but the new "Greedy Greens" and their goofy government friends.
The President visited DeSoto Next Generation Solar Energy center, billed as the largest solar photovoltaic center in the country. The company's 90,500 solar panels are able to generate about 42,000 megawatt hours each year, but the project cost $150 million to build and only provides power to 3000 homes, prompting critics to say the administration doesn't have an overall energy strategy.

In remarks after a tour of the plant, the President blasted his opponents on energy reform, saying, "The closer we get to this new energy future, the harder the opposition's going to fight. The more we're going to hear from special interests and lobbyists in Washington whose interests are contrary to the interests of the American people, " Obama said. "There are those who are also going to suggest that moving toward a clean energy future is going to somehow harm the economy or lead to fewer jobs. And they're going to argue that we should do nothing, stand pat, do less or delay action yet again. I just want to point out, we've heard such arguments before. We've engaged in this same type of debate a lot of times through our history. People don't like change, and they get nervous about it."

But, Washington Representative Doc Hastings, the Ranking Member on the House Natural Resources committee said it's not nerves that are causing pause on Capitol Hill. It's the plan itself, and the taxes it will impose on Americans that are the real problem. “Another day, another empty promise from the President to support ‘comprehensive’ energy development," Hastings said in a statement to Fox News. " Instead of producing all-of-the-above American energy, the President’s job-killing cap and trade bill simply produces more taxes on all Americans’ energy. Republicans have a better plan that will create jobs and reduce our dependence on foreign oil by developing a wide range of American energy sources from solar to natural gas.” read more from FOX News


Old, Old Stories

My early years on the farm
While trying to sleep last night I began to recall memories from my early teen years at my grandfather and grandmother's farm where I spent many a happy day in my youth. Of course I heard them tell numerous stories, but only a few have stayed with me over the years. I have often heard that so long as a person is remembered they are not truly dead. I know when I pass on these old stories will pass with me so thought I would share a few. I've condensed them so they are very short:
The Ball of Fire
In the early 1950's when there began to be a lot of talk about UFO's I remember asking my grandmother had she ever seen one and to my surprise, she stated she had and went on to explain that as a young girl she and some friends saw something on night while returning from a dance. You must keep in mind this would have had to been around 1915. Anyway on the return home a distance of about 5 miles (nothing by today's standards), but a trip of several hours by horse and buggy then, the young couples were followed by what she described as a ball of fire. She said every time they stopped to look at the low hanging flaming object in the sky it would stop and when they continued it would move after them. This lasted until they reached home and then the object vanished. I would add, that I never, never knew my grandparents to lie. Seems like old folks just didn't lie like people these day do.
The Old Faithful Dog
While sitting on the front porch late one afternoon, I know it was late because that's the only time we set on the porch, my grandmother told be a very sad tale about a family she knew in her youth. Seems all the family would go to the fields to work from the early spring until the fall of the year. On this particular day they left the small baby on the back porch with the old faithful and trusted family dog(some type of bulldog) while they all went to the fields to work. After several hours the dog unexpectedly came running to the field with blood all over his mouth and other parts of this body. The family immediately thinking the dog had killed the baby---shot the poor animal and ran back to the house finding the small child safe in its crib and lying along side the crib a large dead and badly mangled rattlesnake. I think I saw a tear in the old lady's eye as she finished the story.
The Sea Monster
I don't remember how the subject of sea monsters came up, but grandfather related the story of the sea monster he once saw. As a young adult he lived near the town of McComb, MS. McComb was a small town located on the route of the Illinois Central Railroad that ran from Chicago in the north to New Orleans in the south. He said one day while in town he noticed a large crowd gathered at the train station and went over to see what all the fuss was about. And there he saw it, a great sea monster. The creature was so large that it took two flat cars to hold it. Well he said, the flat cars contained only a part of the great creature, he never knew where the rest was. I said, granddaddy, what part of the monster was on the flat cars--it's head, the old man smiled as he puffed his pipe and said, it's dick. He always referred to that part of a males anatomy as "Dick".
The Skinning
Another afternoon while grandfather and I sat alone on the old front porch he related a story which was unexpected and out of character. I don't recall how the subject came up, I must have been about 14 or so at the time. Anyway, he said as a young teenager his father rode up to the house one night and told him to get on the horse behind him (keep in mind this would have been around 1910-1915. They then rode to a secluded wooded area where a crowd of men had gathered with their torches to light the night. And there in the dim light he could see a black man tied to a tree. What he said next shocked me. He said, the men began to skin the black man alive. I recall asking, grandfather what did that man do? He reply was short and to the point, "he raped and killed a white woman and her child". Nothing else was said and I knew not to ask any more questions. I never knew if great grandfather was a part of that mob, or just a spectator, but I have learned over the years not to judge past events using today's standards---only fools do that. Grandfather was a good and honest man, but in many ways a very practical man. I'll always cherish the memories of him with that old pipe and sitting in his lap as a very young boy on Saturday night listening to the Grand Ole Opry on that big old battery powered radio, before we had electricity at the old farm.


The World Sees A Weak White House

Below is a list of Obama's failures on the world stage this past week. Remember, the Obama who stood before hundreds of thousand of screaming Germans last year and promised a better world, the Obama who on all this trips abroad apologized again and again for all the past wrong of the United States(many of which were only in his mind and the minds of his radical friends), while seldom mentioning all the good works of the U.S. over the many years. All of this, many thought would bring the world to our door and make America once more the envy of the world. Bull crap, none of this happened. As a matter of fact the reverse is occurring and the world sees America as the bully sees the weakling on the beach and is kicking sand in our face. The world may not like a strong American president who asserts American power, but it is certainly no friend of a weak president who goes hat in hand. Welcome to the real world Mr. President, our new "Pussy-in-Chief"! MICHAEL GOODWIN: The World Turns on America and Its Weak White House

The score last week was distressing. America got its butt kicked all over the globe.

The French said no more soldiers for Afghanistan.

The Brits will send only a measly 500.

Pakistan is exploding.

The UN Human Rights Council approved its outrageous report of the Gaza war, accusing Israel of war crimes.

The Russians, after jerking us around on sanctions against Iran, said nyet.

The Chinese didn't bother to jerk us around, saying no without hesitation.

We have only ourselves to blame for much of this mess. President Obama is dithering on our commitment to Afghanistan, we didn't try very hard to protect Israel's right of self-defense at the UN, and our position on Iran remains maddeningly muddled.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton added to the confusion in an interview with ABC News. After saying, "We remain committed to preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons power," she said sanctions would signal "a result of the diplomatic track failing. So we are committed to the diplomatic track."

Clinton, who in last year's campaign promised to "obliterate" Iran if it used nuclear weapons, now says she retains "a small space for doubt" that Iran is actually trying to get nukes. Incredible.

And Neville Chamberlain said Herr Hitler wanted peace. read more from FOX News

Self - Portrait

Obama Self-Portrait
I would have never guessed!
Above image from The Right Look

As Paul Harvey used to say
And now you know

"The Rest of the Story!"


Body of 7 year old Somer Thompson found in Garbage Dump

The recent murder of a young Florida girl whose body was found in a garbage dump some 40 miles from the crime scene has again generated outrage from many Americans. An outrage that will soon subside with the passage of time and not return until the next ghastly case occurs. This American this father and grandfather is mad as hell at our politically correct news media, our judiciary who often bends over backward to protect the so-called rights of these murdering perverts and our overall society which in many ways is also responsible for such tragedies.

As I read the many articles associated with this case some things began to jump off the page at me. The body was found at a landfill---just a politically correct way of saying "garbage dump"! Why so nice just call the thing a garbage dump, that is after all how they found the body of Somer by following the "garbage dump trucks". Next they are questioning numerous "registered sexual offenders"--what! We knew about these freaks: including some known pedophiles in the area---give me a damn break--pedophile! They are questioning convicted rapist, and other sexual deviants and perverts and child abusers and child rapist. The perverted sick bastard who committed this sick act may never be found, but when he is you can be assured on one thing and only one thing there will be a long line of defense attorneys waiting to defend him in our failing judicial system. He will be read his rights and given three hot meals a day and have access to cable TV and whatever free medical services he needs. And its safe to say the trial will take a year or more before it starts and if convicted it will be years if not decades before a death sentence is carried out, even if one is given. This is what our great judicial system as come to. Its no longer about the law abiding citizen but has become about the criminal and the attorneys. Attorneys have found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow at the expense of the American tax-payer for we pay their bills for appeal after appeal after appeal! And in the end the pervert may walk free from the jailhouse while the families like those of Somer Thompson cry for justice. Cries that will fall on the deaf ears of an uncaring judiciary and the vulture-like lawyers that hoover around our court houses throughout this once great country.

Its time for a revolution! We need to toss out all political correctness, we need to toss out all judges and start will a totally new slate, we need to change all state laws so that justice can be swift and decisive as the Constitution calls for, finally if necessary we need to amend the constitution to help bring about these changes. But let the people, the common man write the new amendments needed and not some pie-faced lawyers. The language needs to be clear and not subject to judicial review---let the words stand as written and not be subject to the whims of some bleeding heart liberal who knows whats best for us all, but can't even find his own asshole.

Praying For Somer Thompson and Her Family Is Not Enough

Let’s use our anger and our sadness at this latest tragedy to do something genuinely positive for our nation. Child protection should be a national effort from the top down and the bottom up.

When we heard the news about Somer Thompson's body being found in a Georgia landfill on Thursday, a colleague said that she was going to pray for the child and her family. I responded that I would do the same. But after I said that, I thought there had to be more that all of us could do to protect our children. There’s just been too many of these kinds of horrors in the news and an important innocence –childhood innocence— is at stake.

I believe prayer is helpful for Somer’s family and Somer herself, but I also believe that prayer can give us a necessary “time out” from which to consider what exactly is going on in our world and our communities today. Why the loss of innocence and more important what we can do about it.Bottom line: why can’t kids safely walk to school anymore?

First, we have to ask question, could they ever?

I remember as a kid growing up in Queens in the early 1960s. There was a child killer on the loose. The manhunt captured the city for weeks. After he was caught, life went on for me and my friends, but the first life lesson learned was to be careful who you talk to no matter how nice they appear to be.

So in a way, violent reality threatening children isn’t new. But I think all of us can agree –and the crime statistics back this up— the rate and horrific nature of crimes against children is much worse than when many of us were kids and it’s changing the way childhood is lived for the worse. Even after we heard about that child killer, we were more careful, but our innocence was still intact.

Today we often hear the talking head lawyers speak to the issue of the rights of the accused with little consideration to the rights of the victim(s). As a research trained psychologist, I understand their argument, but also understand that if a killer was a one-time child molester, the probability that they will engage in that behavior again is greater than 68 per cent.

So first we have to agree that the danger is out there and ask what we can do to protect the potential victims.

For starters, a blue-ribbon commission of behavioral scientists and criminologists should be established to study this abhorrent behavior and recommendations made on how best to protect our children from these type of crimes. The science needs to drive this one. If there really can’t be a “cure” to this behavior then we have to face the fact that our criminal justice system must make new provisions to accommodate the psychological reality of these perpetrators.

But more important, child protection should be a national effort from the top down and the bottom up.

Surely in these divided times, we can still come together as a nation to protect our children and build stronger communities. What better way than for communities to organize child-protection efforts and our community-organizer-in-Chief to make an America where kids can safely walk to school again a presidential priority? Let’s use our anger and our sadness at this latest tragedy to do something genuinely positive for our nation.

Even after we’ve made serious inroads against this problem, we’ll still have to face the fact that the world will never be 100% safe. This doesn’t mean that childhood innocence has to be lost. The second step after making things safer is to actively restore some degree of innocence to our children and communities through making innocence a priority. read more....


Afghanistan: More Dollars and No Sense

When War was War and Not a Game!
More Dollars
The cost for each American soldier deployed to Afghanistan has now reached one million dollars per year. The cost of maintaining a Taliban soldier in the field for a similar period is somewhat difficult to estimate, but many find the figure to be under $3,000. This means the debt ratio is about 300 - 1, with the Taliban maintaining a overwhelming edge. The debt ratio is not however the only problem, but the ugly question of sanctuary is again hitting the American military in the face as it did in Korea, Vietnam, and to a certain extent in Iraq. The Taliban and their al Queda allies are more or less free to move between Pakistan and Afghanistan and we are powerless to attack them in their strongholds in the mountains of western Pakistan. Yes. we have the UAV's (unmanned aerial vehicles) with their hell-fire missiles that occasionally find an al Queda leader in a remote mud hut hidden in some mountain valley and dispatch that trusty Hell-fire against him at a cost of $100 to $200 thousand dollars each. The parts of this fallen leader are quickly gathered up and buried before sunset as is the custom in that part of the world. And a new leader is quickly named at a cost far less that the cost of sending the first on his trip to meet the many virgins. When I hear that we have killed another Taliban leader in the mountain of Pakistan, I almost laugh. Its like killing a single ant in the giant ant hill and calling that some kind of victory. This is not war, this is playing at war, this sadly has become a game with the young men of our country being the pawns in a protracted conflict we can never win with the current rules of engagement . We will lose this war without ever having lost a battle and the many young men who will never return to their families will have fallen in vain because of this great political game. The Taliban and al Queda will continue to be funded by the massive amounts of petro dollars coming from the Wahabis sects in the Gulf States and the enormous sums of money generated by the opium poppy in the mountains of Afghanistan.

No Sense
The way this war is being waged in the mountains of Afghanistan is absolute madness and insanity that is totally out of control and one that has its roots going back to the 1950's and the Korean War. In that conflict the U.S. government under the leadership of President Truman allowed a great American army to be stalemated in the mountains of Korea, and despite repeated request by the commander in the field General Douglas MacArthur for tactical nuclear weapons to be used they never were. Today we have a nuclear armed state in North Korea, a state that poses a serious threat to all of its neighbors in that region. A few years later in another part of the world French forces in Indochina faced a turning point in their struggle against a communist insurgency in what is now northern Vietnam. French forces were surrounded and outnumbered at the besieged fortress of Dien Bien Phu and after many request from the french government for tactical nukes to be used to break the siege Dien Bien Phu fell and we had the establishment of the communist state of North Vietnam and the stepping stone to the Vietnam war where tens of thousands of young American soldiers died. To this day the use tactical nuclear weapons remains off the table even though that decision has cost us tens of thousands of young Americans lives. At some point in the very near future the battle field situation will become so dire that an American President may be forced to revisit that decision and for once think about the troops in the field and not the journalist at the London Times. Even after seeing what happened in Korea and at Dien Bien Phu we entered another war where we were bound by old rules of engagement that had failed us in the past. Our enemy was allowed sanctuary---a place to regroup and rebuilt and a place from which to attack again and again. In Vietnam the American soldier never lost a major battle, but the government lost the war and Vietnam fell to the enemy. This is our current path in Afghanistan, a path we've traveled many times before and it will end in the same place--DEFEAT AND DISHONOR!

The defeat will not be of battles lost by our brave troops for none have been lost. And the dishonor will not fall on them for they are all, all honorable men. The defeat is the nations and the dishonor is ours. Ron Russell


Has Obama Already Created an Enemies List!

One's first impression of the Obama administration's declaration of war on the FOX News network is that he is thin-skinned and cannot tolerate those who criticize his agenda. That could very well be true, but one must look to see if there is another reason for this full frontal assault on Fox. Glenn Beck referenced this yesterday on his show and his thinking was that this is simply a diversion, an attempt by Obama to have us look at the FOX vs Obama fight while Obamacare sneaks in the back door. I agree with Beck to some extent, but I personally think this is a effort to marginalize Fox News and the stories originating there. Recently we have seen the destruction(to a certain extent) of ACORN and several close Obama supporters by stories first put forth by FOX and originating on the Beck show. The Obamaites at 1600 PA ave are attempting to thwart any future attacks they fear are coming via Beck and Fox and this is what I see as their primary reason for the attack on FOX. I'm sure Glenn Beck knows this, but is far too modest to suggest such a thing on his show. Does Obama have an enemies list! You bet he does and Beck and others like him are at the top of what I suspect is a long and growing list. Add mine Mr President!

By Sen. Lamar Alexander
In 1969 and during the first half of 1970, I was a wet-behind-the-ears, 29-year-old staff aide in the West Wing of the Nixon White House. I was working for the wisest man in that White House whose name was Bryce Harlow. He was a friend of President Johnson, as well as the favorite staff member of President Eisenhower and President Nixon's first appointee.

Based upon that experience and my 40 years since then in and out of public life, I want to make what I hope will be taken as a friendly suggestion to President Obama and his White House, and it is this: Don't create an enemies list. read full story


Early American Patriots Were Extremists

In recent months the term "right wing extremist" has been used a lot. We hear it coming from Janet Napolitano at DHS and others in the administration. So to settle the issue once and for all I admit to being a right wing extremist. In the American political system there are the right and the left extremes and the vast middle. And in our system, one that has served us well for 200+ years it is the political extremes that have put forth the new ideas and programs. Let me repeat its the extremes on the left and on the right that generate change. The vast middle for the most part go about their lives oblivious to the political events surrounding them and seldom venture into the arena. Yes, on election day some do go to the polls. Some will contend that its this vast silent majority, the great center that determines the outcome of our elections and sets the course of the nation. Nothing, absolutely nothing could be farther from the truth. The American extremes set the agenda it is they who fight to get their message out to those in the middle and which ever in most successful in that effort will carry the day. But always remember the agenda, the message did not come from the middle but from the extremes who drive the political debate. Sadly those in the American center are nothing but pawns to the extremes for those in the middle for the most part think there is little they can do to affect the outcome, and most could care less about the outcome in the great struggles---the masses are like sheep who will follow the Shepperd with the longest staff.
One should never forget that when the American Revolution began there was little support for that effort. The early American patriots were a lonely bunch as were those who supported the Crown. These two extremes of early American found little support from the common man, but as time progressed the center began to move in the direction of the early Patriots and in the end there cause, one of individualism and nationalism carried the day. Our nation is now at another crossroad where the modern day patriots are being challenged by the counter-revolutionary forces of the extreme left. Forces that would overturn the American Revolution and install a new system of collectivism and a new internationalism patterned after the United Nations for these forces on the left despise individualism and nationalism. The struggle has begun, not the struggle between right and left, but the struggle for the minds of those in the middle. One must remember that for the most part those in the center only concern themselves with one thing--a full belly and a roof over their heads. They are in many ways simple people who who love their god and their family, but have little use for politics and leave that to others. Its here that the battle must be won.
So if you are a true American Patriot, an American Patriot like those who stood on the greens at Lexington and Concord, then you my friend are an extremist and in this case a patriotic revolutionary extremism and those on the opposite side are not patriots, far from it, but they are the counter-revolutionary forces who would roll back the gains of our great American Revolution. So when those on the left claim to me as patriotic as the next man, you must stand up and confront them for what they are , the unpatriotic forces of the counter-revolution.

Sick Today

Not a good day for me, but did manage to get the below short post up. Sorry I can't visit my usual haunts this evening, but going to bed now!!!


White House Urges Other Networks to Disregard Fox News

Its not FOX News its Glenn Beck. Beck is the real thorn in the side of the Obama administration but in order to go after him they must go after the entire FOX News organization for to single out one individual would give that person far too much status and they fully realize that. Other FOX News people have been on the scene for sometimes and can be tolerated by the Obama administration, but Beck drives home a message that is threatening to the likes of those in the White House. His is not the partisan voice of a Sean Hannity or the right of center voice of a Bill O'Reilley but the voice of the common man. A voice those on the far left must silence. Beck represents the original American Patriot and not a contemporary American political party. His is the voice of the American Revolution and the values it brought to this country---individualism and independence from from foreign control. He is a revolutionary, he is a true American patriot, and he and what he represents are the biggest threat to the counter-revolutionaries now in the White House. The American left has long thought of themselves as being revolutionaries, but that is not the case they are seeking to roll back those things the American Revolution brought about---individualism and nationalism. The left today sees these two things and they do not like them and they are seeking to bring about collectivism and a new type of internationalism which is yet to be defined, perhaps something like the United Nations. These counter-revolutionary forces in the White House see Beck as a serious and growing threat, a threat they can no longer ignore so they are attacking FOX News.

White House Urges Other Networks to Disregard Fox News
Senior Obama administration officials took to the airwaves Sunday to accuse Fox News of pushing a particular point of view and not being a real news network.

The White House is calling on other news organizations to isolate and alienate Fox News as it sends out top advisers to rail against the cable channel as a Republican Party mouthpiece.

Top political strategists question the decision by the Obama administration to escalate its offensive against Fox News. And as of Monday, the four other major television networks had not given any indication that they intend to sever their ties with Fox News.

But several top White House officials have taken aim at Fox News since communications director Anita Dunn branded Fox "opinion journalism masquerading as news" in an interview last Sunday.

White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel told CNN on Sunday that President Obama does not want "the CNNs and the others in the world [to] basically be led in following Fox."

Obama senior adviser David Axelrod went further by calling on media outlets to join the administration in declaring that Fox is "not a news organization."

"Other news organizations like yours ought not to treat them that way," Axelrod counseled ABC's George Stephanopoulos. "We're not going to treat them that way."

Asked Monday about another Axelrod claim that Fox News is just trying to make money, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that while all media companies fall under that description, "I would say sometimes programming can be tilted toward accentuating those profits."

But by urging other news outlets to side with the administration, Obama officials dramatically upped the ante in the war of words that began earlier this month with Dunn's comments.

So far, none of the four other major networks has given any indication that they wish to disinvite Fox News from the White House pool -- the rotation through which the networks share the costs and duties of White House coverage and the most significant interaction among the news channels.

The White House stopped providing guests to "Fox News Sunday" after host Chris Wallace fact-checked controversial assertions made by Tammy Duckworth, assistant secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, in August.

Dunn said fact-checking an administration official was "something I've never seen a Sunday show do."

"She criticized 'Fox News Sunday' last week for fact-checking -- fact-checking -- an administration official," Wallace said Sunday. "They didn't say that our fact-checking was wrong. They just said that we had dared to fact-check." read more from FOX News
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