
Has Obama Already Created an Enemies List!

One's first impression of the Obama administration's declaration of war on the FOX News network is that he is thin-skinned and cannot tolerate those who criticize his agenda. That could very well be true, but one must look to see if there is another reason for this full frontal assault on Fox. Glenn Beck referenced this yesterday on his show and his thinking was that this is simply a diversion, an attempt by Obama to have us look at the FOX vs Obama fight while Obamacare sneaks in the back door. I agree with Beck to some extent, but I personally think this is a effort to marginalize Fox News and the stories originating there. Recently we have seen the destruction(to a certain extent) of ACORN and several close Obama supporters by stories first put forth by FOX and originating on the Beck show. The Obamaites at 1600 PA ave are attempting to thwart any future attacks they fear are coming via Beck and Fox and this is what I see as their primary reason for the attack on FOX. I'm sure Glenn Beck knows this, but is far too modest to suggest such a thing on his show. Does Obama have an enemies list! You bet he does and Beck and others like him are at the top of what I suspect is a long and growing list. Add mine Mr President!

By Sen. Lamar Alexander
In 1969 and during the first half of 1970, I was a wet-behind-the-ears, 29-year-old staff aide in the West Wing of the Nixon White House. I was working for the wisest man in that White House whose name was Bryce Harlow. He was a friend of President Johnson, as well as the favorite staff member of President Eisenhower and President Nixon's first appointee.

Based upon that experience and my 40 years since then in and out of public life, I want to make what I hope will be taken as a friendly suggestion to President Obama and his White House, and it is this: Don't create an enemies list. read full story
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