
Whore on Terror

Found the below post over at Common Sense-Blog, a great read as are most of the post there!

With the killing of Osama Bin Laden Barack Obama has finally done something which was done in a presidential fashion and on behalf of the entire nation. It required planning, risk taking, courage, and resolve. Also, it was done based upon the perceived self interest of the United States and without seeking permission from anyone else in the world. Bravo.

The handling of the narrative emanating from this heroic action by our courageous military and intelligence people has been, how do you say it politely, bungled. There will be many world wide and in our country who will decry this action, but I say let THEM eat cake for a change.

What is confusing to me is that I see Obi Wannabe taking actions. like killing Bin Laden and racing around the country pledging his undying support for and profound appreciation of, guess who? Our armed forces! In fact his wife and Jill Biden are appearing in commercials every half hour soliciting aid for families of the fallen and injured.

No one can denigrate actions of this sort. However, one must ask whether these are the same people who accused our servicemen of being murderers and rapists just a short time ago. How did David Petreus morph into Director of the CIA after being portrayed as "General Betray Us" in full page ads in national publications two years earlier?

Who were the people who refused to even utter the word terrorist under close questioning from the media and the Congress? What happened to those who called terrorism "man caused disasters"? Obama, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, John Kerry, Barney Frank, Dick Durban, and Harry Reid among others have all relentlessly pursued this line of dialogue for years. Not to mention their henchmen in the media.

In his relentless media blitz Obama freely and repeatedly refers to Bin Laden as the most dangerous terrorist in the world. He describes actions taken by him and his followers as terrorism. He told our fighting men and women he would fight the terrorists wherever they arise. For ever! HUH?

In a recent speech to the Navy Seals who took Bin Laden down he even said America is "One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." I kid you not! Obi Wannabe and his cabal have openly resisted both saying the pledge of allegiance and, particularly, the inclusion of "under God". Who is this masked man?

So we find ourselves with a dilemma, America. Has Obama undergone a true conversion which has forced him to thoroughly repudiate ALL of his previous history of beliefs of long standing proclaimed openly, forcefully, loudly and often on the world stage? Every time He appears on TV these days he is standing with his head reverently bowed listening to prayers to the Christian God uttered during public assemblies. In every speech he now includes "may God bless America."

During his run for office he derisively harangued Americans as people who cling to their guns, their God, and their Bibles" during times of trouble. He and his kind were laughing at us then! Now, suddenly, he has turned to guns and the military to kill Bin Laden. God is suddenly in vogue in his public discourse. Terrorism has suddenly been unearthed as a real problem facing the nation. Wow! What will he think of next? Possibly even telling the truth. Might as well make the complete conversion while he is at it!

It is up to us to decide. Does Obama really believe in what his current public relations masquerade is pushing? Or has he simply morphed into a "Whore on Terror"?

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