
Muslims in Prison

Face of Radical Islam

Our prison systems are a breeding ground for radical Muslim fundamentalist. A fact that few Americans know. Many convert to Islam while in the custody of the state and federal government. The prison systems are set up in such a way, that they actually encourage this by the special privileges they grant to certain religious groups. Many who go into the system for minor offences come out radicalized and present a real threat to society. This was what happened recently in N.Y. Muslim groups in the prisons are highly organized and seek to gain as many converts as possible. Some have good motives, but others just teach hate of the white man and hate of the government of this country, just as Rev. Wright did in his church to the impressionable young man on his front pew. Many young men who enter the system are susceptible to the teachings of confirmed radicals.

And now Obama wants to bring the worst of the worst of at GITMO into our federal system, where they will eventually have contact with young receptive minds, minds that will be open to their radical philosophies. This in not a good idea by any standard.

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