
Church Apologizes for Massacring Native Americans

Four hundred years of silence is finally broken in the age of political correctness and probably what was once considered a victory over the enemy is now seen as a massacre of the humble and peaceful native American at the hands of the cruel and violent white men who raped, pillaged and plundered the villages of the passive Indians. I have little doubt that such things did occur, but let us not forget that this was done by both sides and in the end one side had to win and yes, it was the early white settlers. Those who carry the banner of political correctness today would if they could have these roles reversed. However, since they are unable to do this they will have to be content with their apologizes whether they are deserved or not. Our current president has this mind set and has given a long string of apologizes for what he sees as past transgressions. This is our America today, an America built on the blood and sweat of all those poor souls we repressed on our path to greatness and not on the hard work and toil of our forefathers. This is how the American progressive sees the United States and this view demands compensation for those poor souls who have suffered at the hands of the uncaring and corrupt white man. The only people in this country who are not victims are those greedy white men who were only motivated by a lust for power and wealth. All others, women, native Americans, blacks, browns and even yellows were repressed and subdued by the unbridled hatred of these despicable blue-eyed devils and need the help of a benevolent government to right past wrongs. This is the age of Obama, the age of wealth redistribution, the age of socialism and social justice. The age of liberty and justice, NOT for all, but for the chosen and the new progressives will do the choosing. Members of one of America's oldest Protestant churches officially apologized Friday —for the first time — for massacring and displacing Native Americans 400 years ago.

"We consumed your resources, dehumanized your people and disregarded your culture, along with your dreams, hopes and great love for this land," the Rev. Robert Chase told descendants from both sides. "With pain, we the Collegiate Church, remember our part in these events."

The minister spoke on Native American Heritage Day at a reconciliation ceremony of the Lenape tribe with the Collegiate Church, started in 1628 in then-New Amsterdam as the Reformed Dutch Church.

The rite was held in front of the Museum of the American Indian in lower Manhattan, where Dutch colonizers had built their fort near an Indian trail now called Broadway, near Wall Street.

The Collegiate Church was considered the "conscience" of the new colony, whose merchants quickly developed commerce with the world in fur and grains — till then the turf of the natives.

Surrounded by Lenape Indians, the Dutch colonists "were hacking men, women and children to death," said Ronald Holloway, the chairman of the Sand Hill band of Lenapes, who lived here before Henry Hudson landed 400 years ago.

The Indians dispersed across the country, eventually ending up on government-formed reservations. On Friday, some came from as far away as Oklahoma.

During the ceremony, Chase embraced Holloway and, as symbolic gestures of healing, the two sides exchanged wampum — strings of beads used by North American Indians as money or ornament. A boy representing the Lenapes and a girl from the Collegiate Church put necklaces on each other.

While Friday's ceremony exuded warmth and openness, accompanied by an Indian drumming circle and the haunting sound of a wooden flute, the feelings leading up to the reconciliation were mixed. read more from FOX
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