
Election Fraud Today?

Recently we have heard about the fraudulent election in Afghanistan and many Americans don't understand that corruption. This is funny in that most Americans think we have a fair system in our country when nothing could be farther from the truth. All attempts to insure some form of voter identification have met with resistance mainly from those in the Democratic Party and few states have adequate safeguards. Even our backward neighbor to the south, Mexico, has a better system of voter ID. There one must show a photo ID and is given the purple thumb after voting, nothing like that exist in this country. What is most disturbing about our system is the total corruption that exist in most of our major cities, with the big city political machines completely being controlled by one party(the Democratic Party). In those city precincts there is little checking that can be done by the opposition party and the abuse and fraud in those areas appears to be rampant. It is always quite amazing that the pluralities coming out of these areas is so overwhelmingly Democratic. The numbers are astounding. Some states have attempted to investigate, but all efforts have been rejected by Democrats who often control the judiciary and state legislatures in those blue states. It seems for now we are stuck with a corrupt system that we can do little about. If today's election in NJ turns out to be a close one, and votes are needed to put the Democratic incumbent over the top you can count on many votes showing up late from the large metropolitan areas of Newark and Jersey City. This is the way it always done, this is American political corruption at it's best, this is the Democratic big city political machine which will always find votes when they are needed ---in car trunks, in warehouse and of course under the table. You can rest assured that the ballot boxes in Newark are already half full before the polls open today and if the election is close and these fraudulent votes are not enough more will be found.
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