

The below article can be found at Sarah Maid of Albion .  We never hear such stories here in the States from our MSM as they are always too busy pointing out all the things they like about the new South Africa.  The run-a-way violence against many whites who remain in that now, god-forsaken, country is swept under the rug, just as black on white crime in this country is completely ignored by most of the main stream media.   I would like to thank Sarah and others for shining a light on the terrible events sweeping across their country and let them know that others are aware and willing to spread her message, her cry for help. Please read the below article and if you have the time visit Sarah's blog and read the comments on this article.  Black on white crime like this is not restricted to South Africa, and more and more are being committed here in the States and other places away from what is truly becoming the "Dark Continent".

"Gardner found guilty of torture and murder of South African women

Days before the start of the world cup, the gardener of the two frail and unarmed Afrikaner women who were tortured to death on March 6 last your has been found guilty of their violent and sadistic murders by a South African Court.

The court found that the gardener Joseph Hlongwane, 22, had tortured to death 76 year old Alice Lotter and her daughter Helen. No explanation was given by the gardener as to why he had displayed such extreme cruelty, the torture had continued for at least three hours before the women died.

Warning: The following details, of extreme sexual violence, are particularly gruesome.

Mrs Alice Lotter died from multiple, deep stabbing wounds to her neck and throat; her daughter Helen, suffered 'severe, repeated, sharp trauma injuries to her lower body administered with knives and a broken beer bottle.' A post-mortem examination revealed that all of Helen’s front teeth were bashed out and that her entire body and face were ‘covered in severe bruises, chafing and stabbing wounds. During testimony from the coroner it was revealed that broken glass had been inserted into Ms Lotters genitals after which she had been savagely and repeatedly kicked in the groin. Her sexual organs internally and externally were extensively mutilated – some body parts including her cervix and uterus were completely missing:

Ms Lotter's breast had also been removed, and used to write the anti-white slogans such as "Kill the Boer" on the wall.

All this occurred whilst the women were still alive.

Very little of value was stolen from the victims during what the police had previously referred to as a "robbery"

A full report together with relevant links can be found at CensorBugbear

The verdict comes two months after the violent murder of Afrikaner Resistance Movement leader Eugene Terreblanche and mere weeks after South African Farmer Johan Strydom was murdered after being chained to the back of his truck and dragged around his farm, allegedly by three black men. Mr. Strydom's killing brought the total number of farmers murdered since the end of Apartheid in 1994 to 3107." 
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