
Celebrating Books with Shoes

So I have various little rituals designed to make me write, Fashionable Reader. I'm like a little child ~ I work best on bribery. When I make it through my writing word count for the week (10,000) I can have a cupcake or a couple macaroons on the weekend. Sadly, this has not happened much recently. When I finish a rough draft I get to go out for sushi. But when a book comes out . . . I can buy a new pair of shoes!

This is very exciting to me, as you may have guessed. I have a vast collection of shoes already and so under ordinary circumstances the acquisition of a new pair means I must get rid of an old pair (or I already have because they broke).  But when a new book releases I allow myself the luxury of buying a pair of shoes simply because I want to own them and for no other reason.

So, with the Parasol Protectorate coming to a close and Timeless just arrive on my doorstep I though I might show you which shoes went with which book.


Highly impractical Via Spigas, bought from Nordstrom Rack for c. $50 shown here with the original ARC of Soulless specially printed for the 2009 BEA. These booties have a slightly steampunk feel and I often wear them with my spoon corset at events, which was the first full on steampunk outfit I created. Like Alexia, they are remarkably stable despite a certain element of ridiculousness. Symbolically, in the few years since I bought them I have shrunk from a size 8 to a 7.5, and they are now a bit too loose on me. I keep them around for affection's sake but I'm not certain how much longer they will sit on the shelf. Other shoes are waiting . . . bitter-sweet, given I am about to leave off writing this series, and this was the book and shoe that started the madness.


Perhaps even less practical were the L.A.M.B. green and brown booties purchased for c. $100 from Nordstrom Rack in honor of Changeless. By the time Changeless rolled around, I was fully immersed in steampunk culture and I just could not resist these. I have A Thing about green shoes. And shoes with buttons. I adore many of Stefani's shoe creations, but they are universally brutally uncomfortable. Like Changeless everyone loves the idea, and likes to see them on, but they don't wear well. Changeless is the unwanted baby of my series, and, possibly as a result, one of my personal favorites. So are these shoes. A right pain to wear, but so epically awesome I can't help myself. They come out for short stint occasions and events. I own only one pair of shoes less comfortable than these, and we won't talk about those.


Still expanding shoes for the steampunk world, I decided I needed a pair of brown boots and found these Miz Mooz at Nordstrom Rack for c. $100. They are a little large for me now, but I still wear them. I have considered dyeing the buttons a dark brown, just to make them more fun, but I haven't settled the idea. Like Blameless these are the shoes of necessity that I can't stop tinkering with.


These little wedge sandals are Calvin Kleins, $30 form the Rack. They are remarkably easy to wear. Normally I can't handle Klein's shoes, but for some reason these are particularly comfortable, to the point where I will swap them out for other heals for a break, as if they were flats. I wore them practically non stop last summer, and intend to do it again this summer, and possibly with tights this winter too. Like Heartless they worked out far better than I thought, they tend to go unnoticed or forgotten, but are always well received. Because they have a little flat bit over the toe I have considered devising a way to attach more decorative items like a flower or a bow to each foot, as I do with my hats, so they are more Retro and up market for special occasions. However, like Heartless them may live out their lives serviceable and unexpectedly well-regarded.


And for Timeless, the final beastie, I added these tough studded platform pumps from BCBG, $85. They aren't very retro, or steampunk, but I fell deeply in love with them and decided I would allow myself to be utterly impractical once more in honor of the last book. Like Timeless I've no idea how they will go, how often I will wear them, or whether others will like them, but right now they are my favorite, and I must put the on to find out the answers.

Here are a few sample Retro Street outfits for these shoes . . .






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